Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Look who's 1 today!

This time last year we were just being introduced to Megan Olivia Washburn. It's amazing that she has been a part of our family for a full year now! I can't imagine our family without her in it. She is such a sweet, funny little girl. She is so loving, always giving us hugs and kisses. She absolutely adores Ally and Drew (and they adore her). Her face completely lights up whenever they come in the room. Megan is very observant and seems to love learning already. I love seeing what new things she's learned each day. She is already trying to do a lot of talking, saying, "Mama," "Dada," "Aaee" (Ally), "Doo" (Drew), "Dasey" (Casey), "ba" (ball or balloon-depending on what she's looking at), "bir" (bird), "tar" (star), and just yesterday, "anta" (Santa). I know that she'll continue growing and learning so many new things. This past year has flown by and been so memorable. In some ways I wish I could slow Megan's growth down, but in the same hand, I love watching her grow. We are trying to enjoy and savor each stage as they come. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for our baby girl! Enjoy the pictures from Megan's first year.

Megan Olivia Washburn-just a few minutes old. I love the footprints next to her.

One week old-not long after she had come home from the hospital

1 month old

2 months old-her personality is starting to shine through

3 months old-showing her Tarheel pride

4 month old-Megan smiles all the time. She is the happiest baby ever!

5 months old
5 1/2 months old-I really liked this picture.

6 months old on her first beach trip with the Washburn family

7 months old on her second beach trip with the Spragins family

8 months old

9 months old-still smiling

10 months old-the expression says it all!

11 months old-in the woods trying to keep up with her big brother

1 year old

Happy birthday Megan! We love you so much!

1 comment:

Merae said...

Happy birthday to your precious baby girl!!! Love all the pictures of her and being able to see how she has grown! =)