Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rewind to Halloween...

I realized that I had never put on pictures from Halloween. The time just got away from me. I'll do a couple of posts about our exciting, fun-filled Halloween weekend!

It started off on Friday morning. Ally's school had a costume parade and party. They had a great time!

Ally and Ellie, her good friend, in the parade.

Playing Pin the Eyeball on the Monster-Ally got bull's eye!
With a few girls in her class before they wrapped each other like mummies with toilet paper.

We carved a lot of pumpkins that night! Ally actually carved most of them herself this year!

On Saturday morning, the Lions had a Family Halloween party at the complex for all of the kids. The kids got donuts while we waited for practice to finish. Then they had a parade through the players followed by trick-or-treating from the players. The kids loved it and really racked up on the candy!
Waiting in the cafeteria for the fun to start. Drew was a t-rex, Megan was a chick, and Ally was a snow-woman.

Drew and Christian Schwartz-Megan would cry every time she saw Christian with that mask on!

Allison, Megan, and Ally waiting for practice to finish.

Parading through the players. The players were cheering for the kids while they walked through. Luckily Ally carried Megan so I could just watch.

All of the kids after the parade. Allison was holding Megan while Ally was holding Savannah Loper.

Trick-or-treating to our favorite group-the o-line!

Ally thought it was funny (and so did the other players) that Louis Delmas got in front of her on his knees with a bag to trick-or-treat too. She talked about this for a long time!

Checking out their loot.

After the party, we headed home for a soccer game and then to trick-or-treat in the neighborhood. What a fun morning!

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