Friday, September 11, 2009

Labor Day "Sunday"

Over Labor Day weekend, we were so excited because Jeremiah got Sunday completely off.  After going to church, we decided to head out to Stony Creek Park for the afternoon.  We didn't realize that the park was about an hour away!  We decided to go anyway because we had heard good things about the park.  

We went for a 1.8 mile hike to begin.  Of course this tree was at the beginning of the hike.  Jeremiah, Ally, and Drew had fun climbing on it.

Megan had fun watching (while eating pretzel sticks).

They made it up to the branches. 

I have seen these berries all around and don't know what they are.  I thought they were pretty though!

The kids had fun running on the trail.

Ally took this picture.  She's becoming quite the photographer!

Drew got tired, so he caught a ride on his daddy's shoulders.  I love this thoughtful look!

Apple trees-in the wild!  You can tell that we're from the south and haven't been around apple trees.  This was our favorite part!  The trees were covered in apples (as was the ground!).  The kids (and us) were excited to see it!

Jeremiah saw the "perfect" apple just out of his reach.  He tried to get it by throwing other apples at it.  It didn't work!

Instead, Ally stood on his shoulders and picked a different apple.

We all tasted it.  It was delicious!  There's nothing like a fresh-picked apple!

Ally ate a lot of it (even without her 2 front teeth-notice how she's biting it on the side!).  She ended up finding another one to eat, too!

Drew loved tasting the apple as well.

After our hike, we drove around the park to explore.  There is a large lake in the middle of it, so the kids wanted to go "see" the water.  Of course we hadn't thought to bring their bathing suits.  You can tell where this is going!  I had to feed Megan, so Jeremiah took Ally and Drew to "see" the water.  When Megan and I got there (of course without the camera this time), they were wading in shallow water.  No problem!  Then the bottom of Drew's shorts got a little wet.  Still, no problem.  We had more shorts for him in the car.  So Ally decided to walk across the lake-getting wet up to her waist!  Drew followed her and was soaked!  We did not have more clothes for both of them, so Ally had to ride home wrapped in a blanket, and Drew rode with just the dry shorts from the car.  We had planned on going out for dinner on the way home, but instead got take out!  We didn't mind though.  The kids had a great time, and we all have wonderful memories of Stony Creek Park!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Glad y'all finally got some quality family time. I know you needed it. Looks like a fun time for all! Give everyone our love!!