Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Beach Trip, Second Time Around

We were so fortunate to get to go to Debordieu Beach in South Carolina for a second week this summer.  We headed south for our annual Spragins' family reunion at the beach.  We always have a lot of fun, and the kids love getting to spend time with their cousins!  This year, we had a couple of days with just Grammy and Grandpa.  Mark, Heather, and their kids came on Sunday night, and then Lucy and her family arrived on Monday night.  We all had a wonderful week soaking up the sun and playing in the sand!

Megan has become quite the beach baby!  She discovered that she was quite fond of the taste of sand!

A family photo-minus Megan-who was hanging out with Grandpa under the umbrella!

Megan's bathing suit was actually Ally's first suit from her Aunt Jessica.  Ally and Megan just adore each other!

Yes, that is Grammy jumping waves with Ally!  We were all surprised! :)

I love this picture.  They are really studying each other!

Megan had a blast with her Grammy and Grandpa!  You could find her in Grandpa's arms for a lot of the week!

The whole family made it into the swimming pool-at least for a few minutes together.

Jeremiah got hooked on catching crabs when we came down in June.  He and the kids kept the crab trap out all week and boiled many crabs.  We ended up having a delicious crab dip with all of the meat at the end of the week.  

Ally LOVES the ocean!  It was hard to get her out of the waves.  

Who says shovels are only for digging! 

All of the girl cousins on the beach together

Megan and her baby boy cousin, due in November!

All 8 cousins on our last night at the beach.  We'll have another baby to add to the mix next year!

Jeremiah took the kids to get smoothies while waiting for dinner on our last night.  There was a big storm approaching that gave us an impressive lightning show during dinner.

We had a surprise baby shower for Lucy on our last night at the beach.  She got some new baby clothes, blankets, a diaper bag, and all of the diaper bag "essentials."

These three really are the sweetest kids.  Grammy got all of the cousins matching pj's.  

This was right before we left.  The boys weren't too "into" the picture-Max was at the beginning of being sick, and Drew was just being Drew! 

These girls were so sweet to each other all week long.  They really do get along great, especially since they really see each other once a year!

We had a great time at the beach again this summer.  We're already looking forward to our trip next July!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

never mind getting her out of the waves I want to get her out of that bikini mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I LOVE nice tight little girls