Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July in Michigan

Happy 4th of July! Sorry these pictures are a little out order.  I put some pictures on yesterday and then added more today.  I can't figure out how to move them.  Oh well!

We had our first 4th of July in Michigan.  We had a very fun day.  It started out with a parade in downtown Northville.  We were able to walk there from our house.  The parade was great!  It lasted over an hour.  It was neat to experience a small town atmosphere!  We stayed around the house most of the day and unpacked more boxes.  We are almost done unpacking though!  I'll post pictures of our house soon!  We had a cookout at the house for dinner.  An all-American dinner of grilled burgers, tater tots, and fruit salad!  Ally and Drew made our dessert-a cookie pizza.  It was delicious!  We finished the day with fireworks down in Dearborn.  We drove down and watched them from the practice fields at the Lions complex.  We had a fun and relaxing day.  We hope you did too!

Ally and Drew's patriotic dessert creation-it was yummy!

Megan watched Ally and Drew make the dessert.

Drew was protecting us from "evil forces" as we entered the Lions complex!

The kids were waiting for the fireworks to begin.  This was before we were eaten alive by mosquitoes!

Here are some fireworks from the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn.  You can barely make out Drew in the picture with his light saber.  The kids loved the fireworks!

Ally and Megan were decked out in their red, white, and blue before the parade.

We were heading up the street to the parade.  It is really neat living in a place where you can walk to downtown!

Drew had the best seat at the parade!  There are big benefits from having a tall daddy!

Megan enjoyed watching her first parade.

Drew and Ally had front row seats for the parade. The little old lady behind them was so cute.  She made sure that both Ally and Drew got candy and other goodies during the parade.

They got cowboy hats from the parade.  You can't take the Texas out of these kids!

This is on our front porch swing.  You'll notice that we can't get Drew to give a "good" smile in any of these.  That's just our Drewy!

Our two sweet girls in our new front yard

At least Drew is smiling at his crab!

We hope you all had a wonderful day!  Thanks for checking in on us!

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