Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Texas Springtime

We have been enjoying the beautiful spring weather here in Texas lately.  We had several weeks of rain and cloudy days, but lately the temperatures have been great, and the sun has been bright!  We are trying to enjoy being outside as much as possible, especially before moving to Michigan!  I hope you enjoy some of our pictures from our very green yard (which has greatly benefited from all of the rain!).

Drew and Megan simply adore each other!

Drew loves making Megan laugh, and Megan loves watching and laughing at her big brother!

It's hard to believe that Megan is already over 5 months old!  Her personality is really starting to come out.  She's such a sweet, funny baby!

Megan loves to stand!  She's been doing this for over a month.  She's pretty good if she's holding onto something.  She wants to catch up to her big brother and big sister!

Drew was doing "tricks" in the backyard.

Our 3 beautiful children.  Jeremiah and I are so blessed!

Megan thinks her big sister is the absolute best!  Ally can always get a smile out of Megan.  Ally still can't get enough of her little sister!

Ally and Drew have had many hours of fun on this swing set in our backyard over the past 4 years!  We hope you are enjoying some spring weather too!


Merae said...

susan, these pictures are so cute!! megan is so precious and i love the ones in her little pink seat. =) looks like you are all having a great time enjoying the beautiful weather. =) xo

Ashley said...

Avery Jane and I enjoyed looking at the new pictures of the kids! (Luke is still asleep.) They are all getting so big! Cash loves to stand too and will usually fuss if you try to make him sit..hee hee Glad y'all are enjoying nice weather before the move. It is absolutely gorgeous here too! I'm so glad the rain has stopped! See you soon!! : )