Sunday, April 26, 2009

What's all the "buzz" about?

Friday became a big day for us.  Drew had been due for a haircut, and because of some unforeseen circumstances, he got one!  

This is Drew and Megan that morning.  Do you notice his long locks that almost touch his eyes?

Here is the hair on the floor after the haircut.  I put a regular sized comb next to it so you could see how much was cut off!

Here he is after the buzz cut!  He was so excited!  I really think he looks older!

Here he is posing with Megan.

After church with Ally.  The funniest thing was that Ally told him that night, "Drew-you look just like a mini Joe Flacco!"  Joe Flacco is the quarterback for the Ravens, and Jeremiah has been mistaken for him countless times!  Now his son is getting to hear the same thing!  Drew's ready to hit the summer with his new do!

1 comment:

Merae said...

how cute that she knew who the qb was. i am impressed! i don't even know who the qb is. =)
he looks so cute!!