Friday, April 3, 2009

Fish sticks, peas, and bugs...

So, Wednesday was April Fool's Day.  We have fun with this day in our house.  Ally challenged us this year, telling us that we could not "get" her!  We decided to meet her challenge!  When she opened her chip package in her lunchbox at school, she found her cookies (and her chips in her cookie package).  She thought that was funny.  Ally had soccer that night, so I told the kids that I had used our leftover salmon from the night before to make fish sticks for an early dinner.  They also had peas for their vegetable (not Drew's favorite vegetable!).  In reality the fish sticks were chocolate wafer cookies covered in peanut butter and dipped in corn flakes. The peas were rolled up fruit roll-ups.  The ketchup was strawberry jelly.  (This idea was courtesy of Family Fun...I love that magazine!)

Here are their "fish sticks," "peas," and "ketchup." Isn't it realistic looking!?

Here they are trying their first bites.  They were a little hesitant (especially since they've never had fish sticks before!).

They enjoyed their early "dinner."  It took Drew a little while to work up the courage to eat the peas.  We went out for Mexican for our real dinner later, and Drew actually asked for more peas!  If only peas could always taste like fruit roll-ups!

Jeremiah got into the April Fool's Day pranks by hiding a lot of bugs under the covers on Ally's bed.  Ally and Drew went into her room before bedtime and were surprised!

Drew loves playing with the bugs now though!  I think the kids had a fun April Fool's Day.  I hope yours was fun as well!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

It looks like they had fun!! I love Family fun mag too! On another note- I can't believe how dark Drew's hair has gotten.