Believe it or not, Megan turned 3 months old yesterday! We have been so blessed to have her in our family for 3 months now. The time seems like it has flown by, yet it's hard to remember life before her. She has changed so much in 3 months.
Here she is at 1 day old. Such a little bundle that did little more than eat, sleep, and look around.
Here she is at 3 months. She is doing so much more now. She is sleeping through the night (yea for Daddy and Mommy!). She smiles all the time. She is the definition of a happy baby! She has started "talking" to us all a lot! She evidently has a lot to say; it's too bad that we don't quite understand her yet. She has begun to do belly laughs, especially at Drew and Ally. They are definitely some of her favorite people in the world!
It's amazing how much they change in such a short amount of time. She is so cute! We hope we can meet her soon! Cash has also started sucking on his fist which is how he learned to fall asleep on his own. It's so cute!
she is so precious and horray that she is a great sleeper! we are so happy for your family! =)
much love, merae
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