Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring Break

Ally and Drew had spring break last week.  We decided to have a "staycation," which meant we got to do a lot of fun things in the Dallas area.  We went to Fort Worth on Monday to the Fort Worth Zoo.  This zoo is one of our favorite places to go, but we usually only go for Halloween.  The weather was perfect to see the enough for them to be active, warm enough for us to be comfortable!

Ally enjoyed showing Megan all of the animals at the zoo.  She's such a great big sister!

There is an enclosed area where you can feed birds birdseed stuck on sticks.  Ally and Drew loved doing this!  Ally was even able to hold a bird by herself.  Megan and I watched from outside the fence.

We had a great day at the zoo!  We ended up spending over 6 hours there and saw all of the animals.  We went to our hotel, The Worthington, to check in.  After all, you have to stay in a hotel on a "staycation!"  Ally really wanted us to go to P.F. Chang's, so we filled ourselves there. After a trip to Barnes and Noble, we had a late night dessert at the hotel, courtesy of the executive level.  After breakfast the next morning the kids and Jeremiah went for a swim at the hotel pool before heading out for the Fort Worth Stockyards.

This was right after we watched about 10 longhorns walk down the street.  The kids loved seeing the longhorns up close on the street!

Can you tell who's driving the longhorn car?  It's Drew.  He's taking Ally and Megan for a spin!

Drew thought he was hot stuff when he got his own wild west guns with a holster!  He took his job of protecting Megan very seriously! 

This just goes to show that you're never too old for a good nap in the car!  Ally was worn out!

Nana came to visit on Tuesday.  On Thursday we all headed over to Six Flags for the day.  Ally and Jeremiah went last summer and have not stopped talking about it since!  Drew, Nana, and I were excited to go, too!  

This was right before Drew's first roller coaster ride ever.  He wasn't scared at all.  In fact, he said it was his favorite ride of the day.  Before we left that night, we rode it 3 or 4 more times!

Megan was fantastic all day long.  She would just watch the excitement from her stroller (or Nana's arms) and smile at everyone around her.  She had a great day!

Last summer, Ally could talk of nothing but the ride Aquaman.  She LOVED it!  Needless to say, we had to ride Aquaman before we left this time.  Never mind that it was getting later in the day and getting a little chilly.  We got soaked, but the smile on her face made it so worth it!

Jeremiah and Ally rode on a parachute that went 4 or 5 stories high in the air.  I was so surprised that Ally went on it!  She loved it though (probably because her daddy was right next to her!).

Ally threw darts at balloons to win Bugs Bunny.  Thankfully Nana was there to help her pop them!  Drew's prize was a Superman cape (won by his daddy at the guess your weight game).  He wore it proudly for the rest of the night!

We had a fantastic day at Six Flags and a very memorable "staycation!"  I highly recommend staycations to everyone out there.  We'll definitely do them again!

Monday, March 9, 2009

3 months old!!

Believe it or not, Megan turned 3 months old yesterday!  We have been so blessed to have her in our family for 3 months now.  The time seems like it has flown by, yet it's hard to remember life before her.  She has changed so much in 3 months.  

Here she is at 1 day old.  Such a little bundle that did little more than eat, sleep, and look around.

Here she is at 3 months.  She is doing so much more now.  She is sleeping through the night (yea for Daddy and Mommy!).  She smiles all the time.  She is the definition of a happy baby!  She has started "talking" to us all a lot!  She evidently has a lot to say; it's too bad that we don't quite understand her yet.  She has begun to do belly laughs, especially at Drew and Ally.  They are definitely some of her favorite people in the world!

Here she is sleeping so peacefully.  There is not much more peaceful and calming than to watch a baby sleep.

Megan adores her sister and brother, and they adore her as well!  Ally loves to hold her and read books to her.  Drew runs to check on her whenever Megan makes any kind of sound.  He loves to give her hugs and kisses!

I am sure the next few months will hold many more milestones.  She is already on the verge of rolling over.  She is discovering that her hand and feet can hold toys and are fun to play with. She has also started sucking on her fist and fingers if she doesn't have her paci.  We are excited to watch her grow and see her personality blossom!