Friday, September 16, 2011

First Day of School

 The first day of school picture in front of the fireplace.
Ally, my 4th grader!  Where has the time gone?!

Drew is in 1st grade and ready to go to school all day!

Everyone was waiting outside of the doors to go in before school.  Notice, the kids are wearing long-sleeves!  It was chilly for the first day of school!

She is growing up way too fast for my liking! :)  Although, she is getting to be more fun!

Drew is quite a character!  Good luck Mrs. Colter!

Drew's new classroom.  He has a lot of his friends in his class, including Lia!

Ally's classroom-Mr. Tabor's 4th grade.  She didn't want to look at me.

Megan had fun walking Casey to school to pick up the big kids.  It's just the 2 (or 3 with Casey) of us now!

Drew had a great first day!  He's excited about 1st grade!

Ally had a great day too, and was relieved to have a lot of her friends in her class.

We are excited about a new school year here in the Washburn house!  It's going to be different with Drew in school full days now.  Megan and I will have lots of time together.  The kids have wonderful teachers and have already made a lot of new friends.  I think this will be our best year yet (hopefully!)!