Sunday, January 24, 2010

Megan's 1st Birthday-I'm way behind!

I'm way behind on blogging! Sorry! This past month and a half (really, since Thanksgiving) has been a whirlwind of activity! I'll try to update everything that has been going on with our family!

I'll start with Megan's 1st birthday, back on December 8th! She had a fun birthday, although she was teething a lot during that time! Since then, she's gotten 5 teeth! Poor girl! Megan has been such a wonderful little girl. She's changing so much each and every day. She loves to smile and laugh, especially at her brother and sister! She is very loving, giving hugs and kisses without even asking for them. We were so blessed to have such an "easy" third baby! Of course, she's not much of a baby anymore. She's on the go, walking a little (when she wants!). She is ready to keep up with Ally and Drew!

On Megan's actual birthday-we waited to have her party until that Friday so Daddy, Nana, and Luke could celebrate with us!

I made her homemade blueberry muffins for breakfast on her actual birthday (with a candle in it). She loved it! Drew loved singing "Happy Birthday" to her and then blowing out her candle for her.

Nana and Luke flew in on Friday afternoon. Luke surprised Drew by coming, and Nana came to watch Megan and Drew while Ally and I went to Baltimore (another post). We had Megan's "party" that night. We had pizza and cake-you don't need much for a 1st birthday!

Ally, Drew, and Luke had fun helping Megan open all of her presents. Megan finally caught on near the end. It was a good warm-up for Christmas 2 weeks later!

Megan's 1st birthday cake. She loves ducks (and I didn't have much time), so we just threw this together at the last minute. It was tasty and a hit for her!

She liked seeing the candle (and hearing us sing). Ally helped her blow it out.

You mean I get to have this cake all to myself!?! Yea! **We didn't know how much she would love the cake until later!

Forget the hands...putting your face in the cake to eat it is the best technique!

Her second technique-holding the cake and chomping it!

Drew and Luke loved watching Megan make a mess of herself with the cake! They had a great weekend together!

Can you believe that I ate almost all of it!?! This is the best day ever!

Megan got a baby doll for her birthday. To say she loves it is an understatement! She loves on her baby and carries it around like a little momma! She will pat the baby on the back and kiss her. It's so sweet to see her being a "big girl." Happy birthday Megan. We love you so much!