Sunday, April 26, 2009

For Daddy

Ally, Drew, and Megan wanted to make a video for their daddy tonight.  Jeremiah is in Baltimore for the draft right now.  This is for you Daddy:

What's all the "buzz" about?

Friday became a big day for us.  Drew had been due for a haircut, and because of some unforeseen circumstances, he got one!  

This is Drew and Megan that morning.  Do you notice his long locks that almost touch his eyes?

Here is the hair on the floor after the haircut.  I put a regular sized comb next to it so you could see how much was cut off!

Here he is after the buzz cut!  He was so excited!  I really think he looks older!

Here he is posing with Megan.

After church with Ally.  The funniest thing was that Ally told him that night, "Drew-you look just like a mini Joe Flacco!"  Joe Flacco is the quarterback for the Ravens, and Jeremiah has been mistaken for him countless times!  Now his son is getting to hear the same thing!  Drew's ready to hit the summer with his new do!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend

We had a fun and exciting Easter weekend.  It started off on Saturday morning.  Jeremiah had been in Baltimore for a week for meetings, so we headed off to the airport to pick him up.  I'm not sure who was happier-him or us!  We decided to go to Grapevine for brunch at a French restaurant that he and Ally had been to before.  It was delicious!  Ally's choice was the best-crepes filled with Nutella and bananas!  We all had a bite of it, but she made sure there was nothing left on the plate!  It was scraped clean!  We had fun walking around downtown Grapevine.
That is one happy daddy (and 3 happy kids!)!

The kids in front of a fountain in Grapevine.  We had fun seeing all of the "old" parts of Grapevine!

Ally was pretending to be eaten by the shark at the Bass Pro Shop.

From Grapevine we went to the Bass Pro Shops.  The kids love going there so they can climb on all of the boats (and we can dream about having one one day!).  The kids were excited to find out that they were having all sorts of Easter activities, including an egg hut.  They found eggs all over the store and then traded them in for prizes.  
For the afternoon, we decided to go swimming at our gym's pool.  For those of you who haven't been to our gym before, it has 2 big water slides.  Drew has just recently started enjoying going down the water slides.  On this day, he decided that he could do it all by himself (go up, down the slide, AND swim to the ladder alone).  AND HE DID!  We were proud of him for being able to swim to the side of the pool from the slide!  He has come a long way in his swimming since last summer! 
After the gym, we headed to church.  We decided to beat the crowds of Sunday (and the bad weather) and go to Saturday night church.  It was a great service!  Ally sat in "big" church with us and had a wonderful time.  

Megan in her Easter dress

The kids were making silly faces on the bed.  I thought it was funny that even Megan was making a silly face!  Our kids definitely keep us entertained!

Drew was so excited to see what the Easter bunny had brought.  Ally had already run by when this picture was taken!  I love seeing the excitement of Easter on the faces of kids!

The kids enjoyed seeing all of their goodies from the Easter bunny.  They received a lot of "crafty" presents this year.  They had fun creating things all day long!

Ally, Drew, and Megan were ready to hunt Easter eggs all over the house (because it was raining outside!).

Look at all our eggs!  Ally even helped put some in Megan's basket since she couldn't do it this year.  Just wait until next year!

Drew was so proud of his eggs!  Both he and Ally were so sweet to each other while they were hunting.  They would give eggs to each other so the other one wouldn't feel left out!

The Easter bunny brought Megan some sunglasses in her Easter basket.  She has had fun wearing them all around. They will be great at the beach this summer!

We had a wonderful, blessed Easter this year!  I have to say, my favorite part of the day was right after the kids got up and we read the Easter story in our bed.  It was so nice to hear them tell me most of the details about Easter!  We hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend as well!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Mixed emotions

This is video from yesterday.  Ally and I thought it was so funny because Megan couldn't decide whether she was happy or sad.  It's hard to understand your emotions when you're almost 4 months old!  Enjoy!

Fish sticks, peas, and bugs...

So, Wednesday was April Fool's Day.  We have fun with this day in our house.  Ally challenged us this year, telling us that we could not "get" her!  We decided to meet her challenge!  When she opened her chip package in her lunchbox at school, she found her cookies (and her chips in her cookie package).  She thought that was funny.  Ally had soccer that night, so I told the kids that I had used our leftover salmon from the night before to make fish sticks for an early dinner.  They also had peas for their vegetable (not Drew's favorite vegetable!).  In reality the fish sticks were chocolate wafer cookies covered in peanut butter and dipped in corn flakes. The peas were rolled up fruit roll-ups.  The ketchup was strawberry jelly.  (This idea was courtesy of Family Fun...I love that magazine!)

Here are their "fish sticks," "peas," and "ketchup." Isn't it realistic looking!?

Here they are trying their first bites.  They were a little hesitant (especially since they've never had fish sticks before!).

They enjoyed their early "dinner."  It took Drew a little while to work up the courage to eat the peas.  We went out for Mexican for our real dinner later, and Drew actually asked for more peas!  If only peas could always taste like fruit roll-ups!

Jeremiah got into the April Fool's Day pranks by hiding a lot of bugs under the covers on Ally's bed.  Ally and Drew went into her room before bedtime and were surprised!

Drew loves playing with the bugs now though!  I think the kids had a fun April Fool's Day.  I hope yours was fun as well!