Monday, August 31, 2009

Ally turned 7!

Ally is 7 years old!  It's hard to believe that the years have gone by so quickly!  It seems like just yesterday that we were living in Shelby waiting on her arrival.  Now we have a 7 year old who is getting ready to start 2nd grade.  She is such a joy to her dad and me.  She loves to help, especially with Megan.  These have been 7 wonderful years.  I'm looking forward to many more!

Ally's birthday celebration has been going on for months now!  I say this because we had a birthday sleepover before we left Texas in May.  She really wanted to be able to celebrate her birthday with friends, and since we were moving and school wouldn't have started by then, we weren't sure if she would have any in Michigan in time.  She invited her 3 closest friends-Kate, Katie, and Ava-for pizza, arcade, a movie, cake, and a sleepover!  They had a blast!

We went to Strikes.  We were going to bowl until we found out that it was an hour and a half wait!  The girls were happy enough to just play a lot of video games!

the sleepover crew + Drew
Ava, Ally, Katie, and Kate with all of Ally's new gifts
Ally had a Coldstone ice cream cake.  The girls all decorated it before we ate it.  As usual, Ally was shy while we were singing "Happy Birthday."
The girls really are in there!  They actually did sleep, after we asked several times!

And onto the "real" birthday...
Ally and Megan watched Miley Cyrus on the Today Show.
Ally's cake-She wanted butterflies, wildflowers, and pets.  I was able to make a cute dog and 2 not so cute horses (I think they looked more like dogs too!).

The kids played in the basement at her birthday party before pizza.
And the shy cake face again...
Megan was a happy girl-especially when Nana was holding her!
Ally's big gift was an ipod.  She was absolutely thrilled!  I know she'll get a lot of use out of it!
Drew gave her a tasty science kit.  They are both excited about using it!
What is a party without a pinata!?!  We let all of the kids hit it with a bat (yes...indoors).  Then we decided to finish it by pulling the strings.  Much easier!
the mad candy dash!
Ally with the flowers and balloons that Coach sent her (and her ipod-of course!)
Think they're sisters!?  Megan has the 2 teeth that Ally has lost!
Ally was all smiles!  She had a great night!
The Lions played Indy on her "real" birthday.  The girls were ready to head to the game.
Ally, Nana, and Megan were ready to cheer on the Lions!
Megan had fun playing with all of the kids and eating pretzel rods during the game.
Ally at the game-with her ipod!  She was so excited because Jeremiah was able to get her name on the big screen for her birthday.  Unfortunately I was not quick enough to take a picture!
Gotta have those birthday spankings-7 + 1 to grow on!
Birthday dinner at Pei Wei.  We tried to go to PF Chang's, but it was too busy!  We'll go another night!  She was happy anyway!
The three kids in Ally's new chair.  She loves having a big comfy chair in her room.

Happy birthday Ally!  We love you so much!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I usually post pictures and tell all about the kids on this blog.  However, I've been reading a book lately and came across a poem that really puts everything in perspective.  I've been reading Being a Great Mom Raising Great Kids by Sharon Jaynes.  I'm through chapter 4 so far, but I recommend it as of now.  Anyway, this poem has really changed perspective on being home with the kids right now.  I've heard this many times, but I guess I just needed to hear it again (especially with as crazy as our life has been these past few months with moving, unpacking, new job, new city, etc.).  Here's the's by Alice Gray.

My hands were busy through the day.
I didn't have much time to play
The little games you asked me to,
I didn't have much time for you.

I'd wash your clothes.
I'd sew and cook,
But when you'd bring me your picture book
And asked me please to share your fun,
I'd say, "A little later, son."

I'd tuck you in all safe at night
And hear your prayers, turn out the light,
Then tiptoe softly to the door...
I wish I'd stayed a minute more.

For life is short, the years rush past.
A little boy grows up so fast.
No longer is he at your side,
His precious secrets to confide.

The pictures books are put away,
There are no longer games to play.
No good-night kisses, no prayers to hear;
That all belongs to yesteryear.

My hands, once busy, now are still
The days are long and hard to fill.
I wish I could go back and do
The little things you asked me to.

This poem has come back to me time and time again over the past few days when the kids have asked me to do things.  While there are times that the laundry does need to be done or I do have to make food, I'm finding myself saying "yes" to the kids more and "later" to the other things.  I don't want to look back in 20 years and just wish I had made that decision.  Hopefully you'll get something from this poem, too!  Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Are you ready for some football!?!

Football season has officially started!  This past Saturday we went to our first Lions' game.  They played a preseason game against the Atlanta Falcons.  The kids were so excited about going!  They were all dressed in their Lions' attire and ready to cheer them on!  They were also excited to see their daddy at work.  We had a fun day full of football, popcorn, hot dogs, pizza, and chicken fingers.  After all, isn't food the reason that kids go to football games!?!  The best part was that the Lions won, 27-26 on a game-ending field goal.  Even though it's just preseason, we'll take all the wins we can get!  Hopefully we'll get a lot this year!

Notice I can never get all 3 kids to look AND smile at the same time!

This is on our front porch before the game.

Ally wanted an offensive lineman jersey, so her jersey is #77, Gosder Cherilus. Megan has on a Calvin Johnson, the only baby one available!

Drew of course wanted a quarterback jersey.  Do you think we're a little biased towards the offensive side of the ball for the Lions!?
We got to the game early enough to see Jeremiah on the field during warm-ups.  He sits in the coaching box during the games. 
Waiting for the game (and the eating) to start.  
Megan hung out (literally) in the Baby Bjorn for most of the game.  She had fun at her first football game, though!

The kids were excited about the win!  We'll be back with Nana for the Indy game in 2 weeks!  Go Lions!